
يامغۇر سىمسىماتىدا مۇڭلىنىسەن،
دىلىمگە چەكسىز ئارام ئېتىسەن.
دۇنيادىن بىخەۋەر…
كى توزىغۇچە جەۋلىنىسەن.

سۈبھى شەبنەملىرىدە…
ئوتقاش شام شەپەقلىرىدە…

چۈنكى سەن شۇنداق يارالغان.
جەڭگىۋار روھنى ئوزۇقلاش ئۈچۈن،
مەڭگۈلۈك دۇئالىرىڭ بىلەن.
جىمجىت جەۋلانىي…

دۇئالىرىڭ، تىلەكلىرىڭ، ئەركىلەشلىرىڭ،
جاۋابسىز قالماس.

In the silent whispers of the night, you are lost,

You bring boundless peace to my heart.

Unburdened by the world…

When will you return to stability?

In the morning dews…

In the fading evening lights…

For you are so wounded.

To heal the warrior spirit,

With your powerful prayers.

You wander aimlessly…

Your prayers, your wishes, your struggles,

Will not go unanswered.

One morning, in the silent whispers of dawn,

I found a rose, so beautifully drawn.

Its petals soft, its fragrance so sweet,

Bringing boundless peace, making my heart beat.

Unburdened by the world, in its gentle embrace,

I was lost in its beauty, in a timeless space.

For in that moment, all worries did cease,

The rose in my garden brought me such peace.

In the morning dews, it shimmered so bright,

Distracting me from the world, in the fading evening light.

For amidst life’s struggles, and endless spree,

This rose whispered secrets, just to me.

Its prayers, its wishes, its silent plea,

Reminded me that beauty will never flee.

And though the world outside might be vast and grand,

It’s the simple joys that truly understand.

باھا يېزىش

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